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Magical Knits From The North

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Hand-crafted clothing and hand-knitted gifts have a magic of their own. This collection of poems, spells, and knitting patterns is designed to connect the reader with their deeper selves so they can impart that magic into the finished makes.

The 19 knitting patterns in this book are accompanied by poems — in the form of charms or spells — intended to call forth the power that resides in the reader and knitter and pass it on to the wearer of the finished garment.

The authors are Meri Mort, a yoga teacher and writer, and Katinka Sarjanoja, a knitwear designer, and together they have created a unique collection of knitting patterns based on the themes and imagery of mysticism and folklore.

There are many ways to use this book so that it resonates with you and your knitting. Embrace the magic.

Katinka Sarjanoja & Meri Mort, authors
19 patterns
144 pages / Paperback

image ©Magical Knits From The North
